Our Mission The mission of the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) is to improve the health of communities by strengthening and advocating for local health departments. NACCHO is the only organization dedicated to serving every local health department in the nation. NACCHO serves 3000 local health departments and is the leader in providing cutting-edge, skill-building, professional resources and programs, seeking health equity, and supporting effective local public health practice and systems. Scroll through the gallery below to see pictures of our recent work. OUR GOALS AT NACCHO Support health departments Advocate on behalf of local public health Optimize strategic alliances and partnerships Encourage NACCHO member engagement NACCHO IN ACTION Photos of NACCHO in Action 1 / 8View Full Screen Doug Umair And George Advocating on Capitol Hill NACCHO members are invited to participate in our annual Hill Day event. Learn more about our advocacy efforts. New Breastfeeding 1 Supporting Training at a Local Level A woman receives breastfeeding training as part of our community health funding. Read about our breastfeeding project. Mrc Campaign In Action Manatee County Emergency Health Naccho Activating During Crisis The Manatee County MRC activating to support the Manatee County EMS and Manatee County Emergency Management. Read about our MRC initiatives. Naccho Annual 2018 Rodent Vector Tour New Orleans Touring New Orleans for Pests The City of New Orleans Mosquito, Termite and Rodent Control Board led a rodent and pest control tour of the French Quarter for over fifty NACCHO Annual attendees in July 2018. Learn more about the tour. Cdc Visit During Naccho Annual Visiting the CDC Emergency Center Attendees to the 2018 Preparedness Summit had the opportunity to visit the CDC Emergency Center in Atlanta. Learn about the Preparedness Summit. Phi 2018 Naccho Interoperability Showcase Sharing Success at the Interoperability Showcase This year’s PHI Conference in Atlanta featured compelling speakers along with poster sessions and the Interoperability Showcase, all reflecting the bold – and sometimes provocative – frontiers of health information technology. More on the Interoperability Showcase Water Treatment Plant 2018 Preparedness Summit Naccho Learning About Water Treatment During the 2018 Preparedness Summit, attendees had the opportunity to visit a water treatment facility in Atlanta. See photos from the Preparedness Summit. 40829626824 2D17E0D1B2 Z Connecting at Conferences Each year, thousands of members of the public health community come together at our annual events. Read more about our conferences. RELATED CONTENT LEARN MORE Chief Executive Officer Lori Tremmel Freeman, MBA Meet our new NACCHO CEO, Lori Tremmel Freeman. LEARN MORE Chief Executive Officer Lori Tremmel Freeman, MBA LEARN MORE Board Members NACCHO is governed by a 24-member board, comprised of health officials from around the U.S. LEARN MORE Board Members LEARN MORE NACCHO’s History The National Association of County and City Health Officials was founded in 1965. LEARN MORE NACCHO’s History National Association of County and City Health Officials 1201 Eye Street, NW, 4th Floor Washington, DC 20005 P: 202-783-5550 F: 202-783-1583 E: info@naccho.org