NACo membership is an investment in your county's future because the association works to ensure that counties have the resources, skills and support needed to successfully lead their communities into the future. Your county's membership with NACo saves you and your county time and money and helps you grow professionally. NACo's Programs and Services offer your county unique opportunities to help your residents, your employees and your county meet the needs of the future. NACo's advocacy represents you and your county in Washington, DC and speaks with one voice representing the interests of the nation's counties and their residents. Education and personal development helps you better serve your county by giving you countless opportunities to learn and grow through conferences, webinars, forums, and other networking opportunities. Research materials and data provide information about counties and what they do including demographics, sample ordinances and model county programs, as well as data of all kind. Communications allow you to stay current about essential information. NACo can save you time and provide you with exactly what you need through the NACo web site, County News, blog posts, podcasts, issue specific newsletters, and social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. The National Association of Counties (NACo) unites America's 3,069 county governments. Founded in 1935, NACo brings county officials together to advocate with a collective voice on national policy, exchange ideas and build new leadership skills, pursue transformational county solutions, enrich the public's understanding of county government and exercise exemplary leadership in public service.