Erik Johnston
Professor of Policy Informatics Arizona State University
Kyrsten Sinema
US senator from Arizona (2019-present); former US Rep from Arizona (2013-2019)
Natalie Diaz
associate professor in the Department of English at Arizona State University; 2018 MacArthur Foundation Fellow
Michael Schoon
Professor of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Amy Hillman
Dean, W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
Kieron Bailey
Professor of Geography, Arizona State University
Ken Abbott
Law Professor, Arizona State University
Julie Young
Online Learning Proponent
Kevin Dooley
Professor, Arizona State University
Board Members
Brian T Swette
President of California-based Sweet Earth Natural Foods
Craig E Weatherup
Former president, Pepsi Co, Inc.
William J Post
Chairman of the Board and CEO (Retired), Pinnacle West Capital Corporation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Family foundation of Microsoft founder Bill Gates
The Salzburg Global Seminar
Non-profit Organization
Thunderbird School of Global Management
Formerly independent Graduate School of International Management in Glendale AZ; now a unit of Arizona State University
The McCain Institute for International Leadership
Geopolitical think tank; a part of Arizona State University based in Washington DC
ASU + GSV Summit
annual conference at ASU
Arizona State University ADL Partnership Lab
Advanced Distributed Learning - Immersive Learning Environments
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Arizona State University
Youth Justice Lab Arizona State University
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Sociology Program Arizona State University
Weaponized Narrative Program - ASU Center For the Future of War
With Drones, Autonomous Weapons, and Proxy Warfare
PLuS Alliance
International university trilateral partnership
Covid Workplace Commons
ASU + Rockefeller Foundation + World Economic Forum
Open Society University Network (OSUN)
Joint Online Degree Programs
Future Tense
New American, ASU and Slate Initiative To Talk About Digital Revolution
Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN)
Collaboration of Universities and New American in "Tech for Good"
Global Education Summit Beijing China 2019
China Development Research Foundation And Others
Education Design Lab
Non Profit Promoting Disruption of Higher Ed for Workforce Alignment
Mark Rukavina
CEO of movie and photo digitizer iMemories
George Khalaf
Arizona based Republican political consultant; Data Orbital, The Resolute Group
Todd Huffman
Transhumanist; DARPA intelligence researcher; Founder and CEO, 3scan, co-founder of the BIL conference.
Abe Hamadeh
Arizona Republican candidate for Attorney General in 2020; announced candidate for US House of Representatives in 2024
Craig L Krumwiede
President and CEO, Harvard Investments
Nicolee Ambrose
President & CEO of The Ambrose Group, LLC
Jonathan L. Levine
President of Keim, Inc.
Jared Volz
Director, Community Services Charity Kalamazoo
Robert C Pohlad
Son of the late billioniare Carl Pohlad
US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
Fort Eustis, VA Based Military Training
ASU Prep Digital
Arizona State University Affiliated Cyber Charter School
Lifelong Learning Online Platform With Micro-Credentials - ASU Affiliated
PAL/TLA "Ubiquitous Learning" Ecosystem
University of Memphis Institute for Intelligent Systems/ Advanced Distributed Learning Project
Vote Early Day
U.S. campaign for early voting
Draper University
Tim Draper's Entrepreneurial Bootcamp in San Mateo, CA