People Have Given To
People with positions in National Security Network have made donations to
Democratic National Committee $80,254 Richard C Holbrooke, Wesley Clark, Sandy Berger, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Daniel Cruise, Leah Pisar, Hassan Nemazee
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $77,950 Gayle Smith, Hassan Nemazee
Barack Obama $62,778 Richard C Holbrooke, Wesley Clark, Sandy Berger, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Gayle Smith, Michael A Cohen, Dan Feldman, John Morton, Leah Pisar, Hassan Nemazee, Heather Hurlburt
Hillary Clinton $48,850 Richard C Holbrooke, Wesley Clark, Sandy Berger, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Gayle Smith, Daniel Cruise, Leah Pisar, Hassan Nemazee
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions $28,000 Sandy Berger, Hassan Nemazee
DNC-Non-Federal Individual $25,000 Hassan Nemazee
Joe Biden $23,000 Richard C Holbrooke, Sandy Berger, Hassan Nemazee
Iranian American Political Action Committee - Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans $23,000 Hassan Nemazee
John Kerry $20,850 Richard C Holbrooke, Sandy Berger, Gayle Smith, John Morton, Leah Pisar, Hassan Nemazee
Chuck Schumer $15,300 Richard C Holbrooke, Daniel Cruise, Hassan Nemazee
Unite Our States $12,000 Richard C Holbrooke, Sandy Berger, Hassan Nemazee
Erskine B Bowles $10,500 Richard C Holbrooke, Wesley Clark, Sandy Berger, Daniel Cruise, Hassan Nemazee
Andrew Cuomo $10,000 Hassan Nemazee
Leadership '02 (Fka Friends of Albert Gore JR Inc) $10,000 Richard C Holbrooke, Hassan Nemazee
Harry Reid $9,600 Hassan Nemazee
Dick Gephardt $9,000 Richard C Holbrooke, Sandy Berger, Daniel Cruise, Leah Pisar, Hassan Nemazee
John Edwards $8,500 Richard C Holbrooke, Sandy Berger, Daniel Cruise, John Hall, Hassan Nemazee
Kirsten Gillibrand $8,300 Richard C Holbrooke, Hassan Nemazee
Chris Dodd $7,750 Richard C Holbrooke, Sandy Berger, Hassan Nemazee
Jay Rockefeller $7,600 Richard C Holbrooke, Sandy Berger, Hassan Nemazee
National Security Network
Updated about 16 years ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Other Not-for-Profit