To be the premier provider of targeted specialized insurance products and related services in North America and selected other markets
People Have Given To
People with positions in Assurant, Inc. have made donations to
Assurant Inc. Political Action Committee $345,967 Elyse B Douglas, Christopher J Pagano, Gene Mergelmeyer, Lesley Silvester, Robert B Pollock, Donald Hamm, Jerome A Atkinson, Charles John Koch, Katherine Greenzang, J Kerry Clayton, Edwin L Harper, Ronny B Lancaster, Elaine Rosen, Bart Schwartz, Alan B Colberg
Mitt Romney $51,500 Robert B Pollock, Charles John Koch, Juan N Cento, Edwin L Harper, Bart Schwartz
Barack Obama $25,800 Michele Coleman Mayes, Dr John M Palms, Lesley Silvester, Ronny B Lancaster, Bart Schwartz, Carey S Roberts
Republican National Committee $21,875 Christopher J Pagano, Gene Mergelmeyer, Charles John Koch, Edwin L Harper, Bart Schwartz
Sean Maloney $20,600 Bart Schwartz
Kathleen Rice $14,800 Bart Schwartz
National Republican Senatorial Committee $14,120 Edwin L Harper, Bart Schwartz
Pitney Bowes Inc. Political Action Committee $13,500 Michele Coleman Mayes
Hillary Clinton $11,250 Michele Coleman Mayes, Elyse B Douglas, Robert B Pollock, Ronny B Lancaster, Carey S Roberts
National Republican Congressional Committee $10,500 Charles John Koch, Edwin L Harper, Bart Schwartz
Cyrus Vance Jr $10,000 Bart Schwartz
Democratic National Committee $9,500 Michele Coleman Mayes, Lesley Silvester, Robert J Blendon, J Kerry Clayton, Carey S Roberts
Fedexpac Federal Express Political Action Committee $9,472 Juan N Cento
America's Health Insurance Plans PAC $9,000 Donald Hamm
George W Bush $8,000 Charles John Koch, Edwin L Harper, Bart Schwartz
John McCain $7,500 Edwin L Harper, Bart Schwartz
Steven C Latourette $7,500 Charles John Koch
RNC Republican National State Elections Committee $6,950 Edwin L Harper
Paul Eugene Gillmor $5,750 Charles John Koch
Susan Collins $5,550 Michele Coleman Mayes, Elaine Rosen