People Have Given To
People with positions in Retail Industry Leaders Association Political Action Committee Aka Retail Leaders PAC have made donations to
Recipient | Total | Donors |
James Langevin | $1,500 | Allen Thompson |
Claire McCaskill | $1,500 | Allen Thompson |
Bob Casey | $1,500 | Allen Thompson |
Blanche L Lincoln | $1,250 | Allen Thompson |
Ben Nelson | $1,000 | Allen Thompson |
Gabby Giffords | $1,000 | Allen Thompson |
Melvin L Watt | $1,000 | Allen Thompson |
Harry Reid | $1,000 | Allen Thompson |
Ann Kirkpatrick | $1,000 | Allen Thompson |
Zoe Lofgren | $750 | Allen Thompson |
Adam Smith | $750 | Allen Thompson |
Charlie Wilson | $750 | Allen Thompson |
Tim Kaine | $750 | Allen Thompson |
John A Boccieri | $750 | Allen Thompson |
John Carney | $750 | Allen Thompson |
Ron Kind | $750 | Allen Thompson |
ActBlue | $500 | Allen Thompson |
Steven Horsford | $500 | Allen Thompson |
Bruce Braley | $500 | Allen Thompson |
Jim Clyburn | $500 | Allen Thompson |