April Verrett
SEIU president
Dennis Rivera
former president of SEIU 1199
Gerald Hudson
SEIU International Executive Vice President
Tom Woodruff
Executive vice president of SEIU
Eliseo Medina
Executive vice president of SEIU
Mary Kay Henry
President of SEIU
Anna Burger
Secretary-Treasurer of SEIU
Andrew L Stern
former President, Service Employees International Union
Rahna Epting
MoveOn.org executive director
Board Members
Dennis Rivera
former president of SEIU 1199
Fund for America
A pot of money for pro-Democratic organizations
Priorities USA Action
Pro-Obama/Hillary Clinton Super PAC
Save Our Neighborhoods
group opposing Colorado 2018 pro-extraction Amendment 74
Ron Barber
Democratic US Representative from Arizona
Faith Winter
Democrat State House Representative for Adams County in Colorado.
R Daniel Lavelle
District 6 representative to Pitsburgh City Council
Kyle Mullica
Democrat State Representative for Adams County in Colorado.
Howard Brookins Jr
21st Ward Alderman of Chicago
Center for American Progress Action Fund
A progressive think-tank dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through ideas and action
Child Organizations
SEIU Service Employees International Union Local 721
largest public sector union in Southern California
1199 SEIU
United Healthcare Workers East
Students Learn Students Vote Coalition
National Conference on Citizenship subgroup
Back to Work RI
CARES Act Re-skilling
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
U.S. human rights coalition
Organizing Together 2020
Democratic campaign organizing in battleground states
Services & Transactions
Patterson Harkavy
"a North Carolina law firm advocating for the rights of workers, the injured, and the criminally accused."
Abby Lynne Bownas
Lobbyist and Former Executive Assistant for John F Tierney
Scott Bessent
Left George Soros’s family office to start a $4.5 billion Key Square Group
Democratic National Committee
Governing body for the U.S. Democratic Party
Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease
PhRMA-connected nonprofit fighting lower drug prices
Phil Mendelson
Chairman of the D.C. Council
Mary Cheh
Ward 3 DC City Councilmember
Charles Allen
Council member
Planned Parenthood
Provides reproductive and sexual healthcare, and sexual education