Jay Faison
Clearpath Foundation President; former founder and CEO SnapAV
Palmer Luckey
Founder, Oculus VR - sold to Facebook for $2 billion in 2014; founded the defense technology company Anduril in 2017
Daniel S Loeb
CEO of Third Point LLC
John Pritzker
Hyatt heir; Aperture Capital, Geolo Capital
John T Chambers
John Chambers is Chairman and CEO of Cisco; JC2 Ventures
John W Stanton
Chairman and CEO, Western Wireless Corporation; Chairman, Seattle Mariners MLB professional baseball franchise
Olga Faison
Charlotte, North Carolina
Larry Heyman
Chief Executive Officer of The Heyman Enterprise
Jeffrey M Mackinnon
Lobbyist and former Legislative Aide to Joe Barton
Bruce McCaw
Retired - Bellevue, Washington