David S Blitzer
Senior Managing Director, The Blackstone Group; partial owner of the New Jersey Devils of the NHL, Philadelphia 76ers of the NBA, Crystal Palace FC of the English Premier League
Robert Kraft
Boston businessman and owner of New England Patriots
Carolyn Rowan
Designer; Spouse of Marc Rowan
Marc Rowan
Chief Executive Officer, Apollo Global Management
Marjorie B Tiven
Sister of NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg
Daniel Och
Founder, Willoughby Capital; former CEO, Och-Ziff Capital Management Group, now known as Sculptor Capital Management.
Barry S Sternlicht
Billionaire chairman of Starwood Capital Group and Starwood Property Trust
Seth Klarman
American billionaire hedge fund manager
David Wick
San Diego developer - National Enterprises Inc
Harold Grinspoon
Real estate investor, As[pen Square Management - West Springfield Massachusetts