Republican National Committee
Lloyd G Trotter, Lewis B Campbell, Thomas B Wheeler, Joe T Ford, Dain M Hancock, Ivor J Evans, Ted R French, Robert O Rowland
John McCain
Lewis B Campbell, Thomas B Wheeler, Ivor J Evans, Ted R French, Mary L Howell, Calvert S Whitehurst, Marise R Stewart
Barack Obama
Lloyd G Trotter, Lawrence K Fish, Ivor J Evans, H Jesse Arnelle, Deborah Lee James
Democratic National Committee
Lawrence K Fish
Mitt Romney
Lewis B Campbell, Lawrence K Fish, Thomas B Wheeler, Mary L Howell, Robert O Rowland, Frank T Connor, Scott C Donnelly
Democratic White House Victory Fund
Lloyd G Trotter, Lawrence K Fish
Textron Inc. Political Action Committee
Lewis B Campbell, Kenneth C Bohlen, Mary L Howell, John D Butler
General Electric Company Political Action Committee (Gepac)
Lloyd G Trotter
National Republican Senatorial Committee
Lloyd G Trotter, Thomas B Wheeler, Joe T Ford, Ted R French, Robert O Rowland
Romney Victory
Thomas B Wheeler, Mary L Howell
George W Bush
Lloyd G Trotter, Lewis B Campbell, Kathleen M Bader, Thomas B Wheeler, Joe T Ford, Dain M Hancock, Ivor J Evans, Ted R French, Mary L Howell, H Jesse Arnelle, Robert O Rowland
Union Pacific Corp. Fund for Effective Government
Ivor J Evans
John Kerry
Lawrence K Fish, Thomas B Wheeler, Mary L Howell, Deborah Lee James
National Republican Congressional Committee
Thomas B Wheeler, Joe T Ford, Dain M Hancock, Ted R French, Calvert S Whitehurst
Priorities USA Action
Lawrence K Fish
Michigan Republican Party
Kathleen M Bader, Ted R French
Committee for Change
Lawrence K Fish
Republican Party of Florida
Thomas B Wheeler
David Cicilline
Lawrence K Fish
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Political Action Committee, the
Frank T Connor