Washington, D.C. law firm
People Have Given To
People with positions in Miller & Chevalier have made donations to
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $171,500 Leonard Bickwit Jr, Peter Ehrenhaft, Greg Mastel
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP Civic Action Committee $34,589 Greg Mastel, Hal Shapiro
Miller & Chevalier Chartered Political Action Committee ('Miller & Chevalier PAC') $24,427 Leonard Bickwit Jr, Angela B Styles, Lawrence B Gibbs, Greg Mastel, Phillip L Mann, Rocco Femia, Melida Hodgson, Hal Shapiro, Anthony F Shelley
Crowell & Moring LLP $11,661 Angela B Styles
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions $10,450 Peter Ehrenhaft
Dscc/Non-Fed Unincorp Assoc $10,000 Leonard Bickwit Jr
Max Baucus $9,850 Leonard Bickwit Jr, Greg Mastel, Hal Shapiro
James P Moran $9,500 Leonard Bickwit Jr, Robert K Huffman
Blanche L Lincoln $7,700 Hal Shapiro, John Gilliland
Montana Democratic Party $6,500 Greg Mastel, John Gilliland
Jon Tester $6,250 Greg Mastel
George W Bush $5,000 Angela B Styles, Lawrence B Gibbs, P Welles Orr, Emily Murphy
Gregory Edward Fischer $4,600 Leonard Bickwit Jr
John McCain $4,300 Emily Murphy
Frank Lautenberg $4,000 Leonard Bickwit Jr
Jim Talent $4,000 Emily Murphy
Democratic National Committee $3,500 Leonard Bickwit Jr, Homer E Moyer Jr, Lucinda A Low
Republican National Committee $3,250 Angela B Styles, Lawrence B Gibbs, P Welles Orr
New Democrat Network $3,250 Leonard Bickwit Jr
John Yarmuth $3,100 Leonard Bickwit Jr