US Department of Justice
Philip J Perry, Arif Alikhan, Thomas C Frazier, Uttam Dhillon, Chad Mizelle, Gene P Hamilton, Kelli Andrews, John F Wood, Megan Cansfield
The Chertoff Group
Michael Chertoff, Chad C Sweet, Scott Weber, Robert D Rodriguez, Paul Rosenzweig
George W Bush
Jennifer Harrington, Alfonso Aguilar, Matt Mackowiak, Kirstjen Nielsen
US Marines
Clark B Hall, Frank Libutti, Matthew Broderick
National Security Council
Richard Barth, Jane Holl Lute, Caitlin Durkovich
U.S. Global Leadership Coalition
Tom Ridge, James M Loy, Frank Libutti
US House of Representatives
Uttam Dhillon, Clark B Hall, Kelli Andrews
Ridge Lane, LP
Tom Ridge, Michael Crow, Chris Cummiskey
Centre for Cyber and Homeland Security
Tom Ridge, Michael Chertoff, Jane Holl Lute
Homeland Security Advisory Council
Stewart A Baker, Ken Cuccinelli, James Jay Carafano
Donald Trump
Uttam Dhillon, James Jay Carafano, Kirstjen Nielsen
US Department of Defense
Gordon R England, Jeh Johnson, John Kelly
Raytheon Company
Hugo Teufel III, Michael Dougherty
Latham & Watkins LLP
Philip J Perry, Michael Chertoff
Alliance Defending Freedom
Alfonso Aguilar, Andrew Beckwith
DynCorp International Inc.
John Kelly, Dwight Williams
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Pete Gaynor, Dwight Williams
The Cipher Brief
Tom Ridge, Michael Chertoff
Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy
Chad Wolf, Ken Cuccinelli
Fog Data Science LLC
Matthew Broderick, Robert Liscouski