Dan Huff
Trump Presidential Personnel Office lawyer
Lamar Seeligson Smith
Former US Representative from Texas
Bryan Alphin
Lobbyist, Monument Policy Group
Bernard W Nussbaum
White House counsel under Clinton
Melanie Sloan
American Oversight senior adviser, former executive director of CREW
Alec French
former Democratic Counsel on the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property
Joseph H Gibson
Lobbyist, The Gibson Group | former Chief Minority Counsel to the House Judiciary Committee
Steven F. Reich
Akin Gump; Associate Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice
Richard A Hertling
Trump nominee to serve as a Judge on the U.S. Court of Federal Claims; Of Counsel, Covington & Burling LLP
Daniel Bryant
Partner, Covington & Burling
Board Members
Eric Swalwell
US Representative from California (2013-present)
Andrew Volstead
Republican from Minnesota US House (1903-1923)
Child Organizations
US House of Representatives
lower house of the United States Congress
Lamar Seeligson Smith
Former US Representative from Texas
Darrell Issa
Nominee for USDTA Director; former US Rep from California (2001-2019)
Melvin L Watt
Commissioner, FHFA | former US Rep from North Carolina
Zoe Lofgren
US Representative from California (1995-present)
Robert Wexler
Lobbyist & former US rep from FL
Anthony D Weiner
Former US Representative from New York
Maxine Waters
US Representative from California
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
US Representative from Florida (2005-present)
Betty Sutton
US Representative from Ohio
Brad Sherman
US Representative D-California (1997-present)