Democratic National Committee
John S. Langford, III
Barack Obama
John S. Langford, III
National Republican Senatorial Committee
John S. Langford, III
National Republican Congressional Committee
James F Albaugh, John S. Langford, III
Mississippi Majority Committee; the
John S. Langford, III
Alan Bowlby Mollohan
John S. Langford, III
Lindsey Graham
James F Albaugh
Kit Bond
James F Albaugh
Jane Harman
James F Albaugh
Judith Feder
John S. Langford, III
Isaac Newton Skelton IV
James F Albaugh
John Patrick Murtha Jr
James F Albaugh, John S. Langford, III
Democratic Party of Virginia
John S. Langford, III
Straight Talk America
James F Albaugh
Robert Byrd
John S. Langford, III
Claire McCaskill
James F Albaugh
Barbara Ann Mikulski
John S. Langford, III
Jim Talent
James F Albaugh
Pat Roberts
James F Albaugh, John S. Langford, III
William Thad Cochran
John S. Langford, III