Two weeks ago I used LittleSis to look into the NYS Education Department’s shadow government, the Regents Research Fund. The Fund’s interlocks show a clear pattern among the fellows: 13 (out of seventeen researched) had worked at Teach for America, New Leaders, College Board or the NYC Department of Education before joining the Fund. Some of those organizations have ties to the same foundations that support the Fund.

Capital NY published the names of eleven more fellows last week, so I quickly added them to LittleSis to see if they follow the same pattern. Here’s what I found about all 25 fellows accounted for and currently working at NYSED:

While the majority of fellows still came to the Fund from the NYC Department of Education, Teach for America and/or New Leaders, the additional names certainly add some diversity of experience to the overall group. There’s still plenty more to learn about this mysterious agency as fiery debate around education continues in New York State. Join me in the Shadow Gov Working Group and let’s see what we can dig up!