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Join a LittleSis training!

Look familiar? You can now join a free online training to get over the hump and start using LittleSis for your power research! The real value of LittleSis is that

Regents Research Fund UPDATE

Two weeks ago I used LittleSis to look into the NYS Education Department’s shadow government, the Regents Research Fund.  The Fund’s interlocks show a clear pattern among the fellows: 13

Who’s who at Cuomo’s NYC and DC fundraisers

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo celebrated his Moreland Commission’s report decrying the influence of money in politics–and his 56th birthday!–at two pricey fundraisers in the past two weeks.  Some guests paid

Paul Tudor Jones and American public education

Forbes’s December “special philanthropy issue” features Paul Tudor Jones, among others, and his efforts fighting poverty in NYC. The glowing article about Jones poses a question with its title–“Can hedge

How the business community works in New York

Last week Governor Cuomo was joined by John Mack and Leslie Whatley to launch Start-Up NY, which will create zones around universities where businesses can locate tax-free for 10 years.