One of the things we’re most proud of at LittleSis is our Oligrapher mapping tool.
The Oligrapher allows anyone to create visual maps of power networks. It’s a great resource that researchers and organizers are using more and more.
Oligrapher maps are useful for presentations, collaborative workshops where people get together to try to map out power, or just as research aides.
Here’s an example of a map that a LittleSis user made that depicts the banks behind the Dakota Access Pipeline. This map made the rounds among activists on social media and proved to be a helpful resource.
The maps are easy (and fun) to make. We put together two short instructional videos to show you how to get started.
The first one shows you the basics of how to make a power map.
The second one shows you how to add annotations to your map, so you can make it into a slideshow with text.
There are other features of the Oligrapher, and we’ll be putting up new instructional videos on some of these in the future.
For now, go sign up for a LittleSis account (if you don’t have one yet) and then… start mapping the power!