Black America's Political Action Committee
Alan L Keyes
John Bolton
Charles M Kupperman
Council on Foreign Relations
Michael Rubin
Indiana Economic Development Corporation
Mitch Daniels
The Aspen Institute
Philip Merrill Levine
Atlantic Council
Stanley Ebner
United States Air Force Academy
Jim Inhofe
Project for the New American Century
Frank J Gaffney Jr
Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
Philip Merrill Levine
The Wilson Center
Kay Bailey Hutchison
Institute on Religion and Public Life
Midge Decter
Capital Research Center
Midge Decter
Middendorf and Company
J William Middendorf II
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Bill Bennett
Office of the Governor of California
Pete Wilson
Office of the Governor of Indiana
Mitch Daniels
Boston College
Bill Bennett
International Republican Institute
J William Middendorf II
House Republican Policy Committee
John B Shadegg
Urban Institute
Mitch Daniels