Jeffrey W. Martin
Executive VP & CFO of Sempra Energy
Amanda Engstrom Eversole
Executive VP & COO, American Petroleum Institute
Erik Baptist
Former lobbyist, American Petroleum Institute; senior deputy general counsel, EPA
John D Modine
American Petroleum Institute
James C Day
EOG Resources; Noble Corporation
William A Koetzle
Vice President of Federal Affairs, API; former Manager of Federal Government Affairs, Chevron
Stacy Linden
Group Director, Downstream and Industry Operations, API
Lisa Salley
Vice President, Communications, API
Tracee Bentley
Colorado Petroleum Council, API
Keystone Energy Forum
Natural Gas Industry Front Group
David W Williams
Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Noble Corporation
Rod Nelson
SVP at Schlumberger
Corbin Robertson
President, Quintana Minerals Corp
William E Albrecht
president, Occidental
Ray R Irani
Former Chairman & CEO of Occidental Petroleum
Kyle Isakower
Board Member for the American Petroleum Institute
Darren Woods
CEO and chairman ExxonMobil (2017-present)
University of Connecticut
Public research university
Business Industry PAC
The nation’s premier source of business political strategy since 1963, BIPAC provides the political strategy, and tools, to help our members reach their election and public policy goals.
State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations
Independent Petroleum Association of America
Oil and gas trade group
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that preserves and restores our nation’s native wildlife species and habitats.
Child Organizations
Associated Petroleum Industries of Pennsylvania
State office of American Petroleum Institute
Oil and gas exploration, production, and marketing
Transportation Fairness Alliance
Pro-oil/gas, anti-EV coalition
A R Tony Sanchez Jr
Sanchez Oil & Gas Corporation
Philip J Carroll
Former President & CEO, Shell Oil Company
Elmer Ambrose Sperry
American inventor and industrialist
TransCanada PipeLines Limited
Energy infrastructure company in North America
Fluor Corporation
Engineering, procurement, construction, and maintenance services
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Independent oil and gas producer
New Yorkers for Affordable Energy
Supports increasing access to natural gas for manufacturing, power production, transportation, and other purposes
USMCA Coaliton
Coalition that pushed for the passage of the USMCA
American Council for Capital Formation
Pro-business anti-regulation economic think tank composed of executives and politicians
National Ocean Policy Coalition
Pro-industry ocean group
Oil Sands Fact Check
Petroleum industry group advocating oil sands production and Keystone XL
America's Wetland Foundation
Louisiana oil front group
The world’s largest public relations firm
Advocates Inc DC Ltd
Lobbying & PR firm
DDC Advocacy
Issue advocacy company
Coordinating Research Council
Non-profit research group focused on automotive/mobility equipment and petroleum products
Navigators Global
Beltway Issues management, government relations & strategic communications firm; formerly DC Navigators
Bill Toye
Account manager, DDC Advocacy
Bolton-St. Johns
Lobbying firm