Kyle Isakower serves as vice president for Regulatory and Economic Policy at the American Petroleum Institute. In this role, Mr. Isakower manages API’s review of U.S. tax policies and the development of economic analyses pertaining to public policies affecting the oil and natural gas industry. He also oversees API programs that review proposed environmental rules and energy regulations, the development of industry standards for use domestically and abroad, and the creation of statistical products covering the industry and markets. Mr. Isakower possesses 30 years of energy and environmental policy experience including work in consulting and government positions. In addition to his current areas of expertise, in his 21 years with API he has overseen API's climate policy development, and served as an advocate on behalf of the oil and natural gas sector regarding waste management and remediation, ambient air quality standards and air toxics issues. Mr. Isakower holds a master’s degree in earth science from Adelphi University and a bachelor’s degree in biology-geology from the University of Rochester.