Atlanta psychiatrist; President, American Medical Association
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Patrice A Harris also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Billye Aaron Barack Obama, David Scott, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Charles M Brewer Barack Obama, David Scott, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Daniel J Halpern Barack Obama, David Scott, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Valerie Jackson Barack Obama, David Scott, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Egbert L J Perry Barack Obama, David Scott, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Anna Chapman Barack Obama, American Medical Association Political Action Committee, American Psychiatric Association Political Action Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Rosalyn Slifka Barack Obama, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Jeffrey Soros Barack Obama, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Donna Carpenter Barack Obama, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Larry Rockefeller Barack Obama, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Wendy Rockefeller Barack Obama, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Jonathan M Tisch Barack Obama, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Karla Jurvetson Barack Obama, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Crystal English Sacca Barack Obama, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Daniel Lubetzky Barack Obama, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Michael J Russell Barack Obama, David Scott, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Daniel M Rooney Barack Obama, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
John Simmons Barack Obama, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Wendell Reilly Barack Obama, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Robert J Abernethy Barack Obama, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012