Brian Thompson
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Christopher J Williams
The Partnership for New York City, Inc.
Anthony Armstrong
Morgan Stanley
Erskine B Bowles
Morgan Stanley
Rochelle B Lazarus
The Partnership for New York City, Inc.
Judith Rodin
Carnegie Hall
Richard D Parsons
The Partnership for New York City, Inc.
Sallie L Krawcheck
Carnegie Hall
Thomas G Maheras
Carnegie Hall
Joe L Price
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Jamie Dimon
The Partnership for New York City, Inc.
Robert I Lipp
Carnegie Hall
James W Owens
Morgan Stanley
Robert W Matschullat
Morgan Stanley
Lloyd C Blankfein
The Partnership for New York City, Inc.
Edward C Forst
Carnegie Hall
Laura D Tyson
Morgan Stanley
Roy J Bostock
Morgan Stanley