Chairman of Oklahoma Events, LLC; former Vice Chairman of Ackerman McQueen
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Lee Allan Smith also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Tom H McCasland Jr Tom Cole, Mary Fallin, Frank D Lucas, Ernest Istook, Kirk Humphreys, Mitt Romney
James J Mulva Daniel David Boren, Tom Cole, Frank D Lucas, John Sullivan, Don Nickles, Ernest Istook
Hazen Marshall Tom Cole, Mary Fallin, Frank D Lucas, John Sullivan, Mitt Romney, James Lankford
Phil Scaramucci Mary Fallin, Ernest Istook, Kirk Humphreys, Mick Cornett, Michael Ray Thompson, Dustin Rowe
T Boone Pickens Daniel David Boren, Mary Fallin, John Sullivan, Don Nickles, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Nedra R Funk Mary Fallin, Frank D Lucas, Denise Bode, Mick Cornett, Fred Morgan, Mickey Edwards
Bryce L Harlow Don Nickles, Ernest Istook, Kirk Humphreys, Mitt Romney, James Lankford, Romney Victory
Harold Simmons Daniel David Boren, Tom Cole, Don Nickles, Kirk Humphreys, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry
Steve Edwards Frank D Lucas, John Sullivan, Denise Bode, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michael Ray Thompson
James Norton Daniel David Boren, Tom Cole, John Sullivan, Don Nickles, Ernest Istook, James Lankford
Christy Gaylord Everest Mary Fallin, Don Nickles, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, James Lankford, Romney Victory
Don Nickles Tom Cole, Mary Fallin, Frank D Lucas, John Sullivan, Mitt Romney, James Lankford
Everett Dobson Mary Fallin, Frank D Lucas, Ernest Istook, Kirk Humphreys, Denise Bode, Mick Cornett
Roy T Oliver Jr Daniel David Boren, Tom Cole, Mary Fallin, Kirk Humphreys, Mick Cornett, Michael Ray Thompson
Robert F. Biolchini Tom Cole, John Sullivan, Don Nickles, Kirk Humphreys, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Hans Helmerich John Sullivan, Don Nickles, Kirk Humphreys, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Romney Victory
Dewey Bartlett Daniel David Boren, John Sullivan, Don Nickles, Fred Morgan, Mitt Romney, Michael Ray Thompson
Peter B Delaney Daniel David Boren, Tom Cole, Kirk Humphreys, Denise Bode, James Lankford
Luke R Corbett Tom Cole, Mary Fallin, Don Nickles, Ernest Istook, Kirk Humphreys
Duke R Ligon Mary Fallin, Frank D Lucas, Denise Bode, Mitt Romney, Michael Ray Thompson