Billionaire Blackstone Group co-founder; former Lehman CEO and CFR chairman
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Peter G Peterson
PersonCommon Orgs
June O'Neill Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform
Rudolph Penner Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform
Stephen W Bosworth Council on Foreign Relations, Committee for Economic Development
Elmer Staats Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform
Wilbur Ross US Department of Commerce, Japan Society
Robert Strauss Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform
Richard C Holbrooke Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, Council on Foreign Relations
Jonathan E Colby Blackstone Group, Japan Society
Charles G Boyd Council on Foreign Relations, Center for The National Interest
David R Minge Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform
Jami Miscik Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, Council on Foreign Relations
H P Goldfield US Department of Commerce, White House Office
James A Johnson Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, Committee for Economic Development
Ellen Moran US Department of Commerce, White House Office
Peter J Wallison White House Office, Council on Foreign Relations
Charles Spittal Robb Concord Coalition, Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform
George E Rupp Council on Foreign Relations, Committee for Economic Development
Brent Scowcroft Council on Foreign Relations, Center for The National Interest
Geoffrey Kemp White House Office, Center for The National Interest
Robert D Reischauer Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform