Former lawyer at the FTC; now the director of markets and competition policy for Washington Center for Equitable Growth
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Michael Kades also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Vincent J Ryan Sherrod Brown, Joe Donnelly, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, Democratic National Committee, ActBlue, Jon Tester
Penny Pritzker Hillary Clinton, Joe Donnelly, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Harold Ford Jr, John Edwards, Democratic National Committee, Jon Tester
Elaine Reuben Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, John Edwards, Democratic National Committee, Jon Tester
David Greenstone Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, John Edwards, Democratic National Committee, ActBlue, Jon Tester
Laurene Powell Jobs Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, John Edwards, Democratic National Committee, ActBlue, Jon Tester
Marc Lasry Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, Harold Ford Jr, Democratic National Committee, ActBlue
Claire Silberman Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Joe Donnelly, Russ Feingold, Joe Sestak, Democratic National Committee, ActBlue, Jon Tester
David E Quint Sherrod Brown, Joe Donnelly, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, Democratic National Committee, ActBlue, Jon Tester
Naomi Aberly Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Joe Donnelly, Russ Feingold, Joe Sestak, John Edwards, Democratic National Committee, Jon Tester
Marc Douglas Emory Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, Democratic National Committee, ActBlue, Jon Tester
Larry Rockefeller Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, Democratic National Committee, ActBlue, Jon Tester
Edward H Linde Hillary Clinton, Joe Donnelly, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, Harold Ford Jr, Democratic National Committee, ActBlue
William Scheide Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, Harold Ford Jr, John Edwards, Democratic National Committee
Betty Warner Sheinbaum Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, Harold Ford Jr, John Edwards, Democratic National Committee
Elizabeth Thalheimer Wachs Hillary Clinton, Joe Donnelly, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, Harold Ford Jr, John Edwards, Democratic National Committee
Marjorie Thalheimer Coleman Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, Harold Ford Jr, Democratic National Committee, Jon Tester
Jack M Quinn Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Harold Ford Jr, John Edwards, Democratic National Committee, ActBlue, Jon Tester
Craig Kaplan Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, John Edwards, Democratic National Committee, Jon Tester
Mellody Hobson Hillary Clinton, Joe Donnelly, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Harold Ford Jr, John Edwards, Democratic National Committee, Jon Tester
Daniel E Levin Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Joe Donnelly, John Kerry, Joe Sestak, Harold Ford Jr, Democratic National Committee, Jon Tester
Michael Kades
Updated almost 7 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Lawyer
Gender Male