Business Positions
Board Memberships
The First Tee of Washington DC
DC chapter of a youth golfing philanthropy
Mitch McConnell
US Senator from Kentucky, husband of Transportation Secretary Elaine
Lisa Murkowski
US Senator from Alaska
Mitt Romney
U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
Keep Our Mission PAC
Founded by former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R., Ill.) as Keep Our Majority PAC; renamed in 2007
George W Bush
43rd US president, ex-governor of Texas, son of George H W Bush
John Taylor Doolittle
US Representative from California
Every Republican is Crucial PAC
Affiliate: Eric Cantor (R-Va)
Glenn L McCullough Jr
Executive director of the Mississippi Development Authority; Lobbyist
Bill Richardson
Former Governor of New Mexico, former US Representative & Secretary of Energy