Daniel Drake
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
Jane Cox MacElree
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
Rusty Jaggers
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
Sherwood Schwartz
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
Rosie O'Donnell
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
Andrew Gunther
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
Joseph Cerrell
Barack Obama, Peter Navarro
Robert A Helman
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
Gil Besing
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
Bill Richardson
Barack Obama, Peter Navarro
Frank Bunts
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
Jonathan Soros
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
John R Phillips
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
Judith Neisser
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
Bruce Corwin
Barack Obama, Peter Navarro
Cynthia McClintock
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
Marjorie B Roswell
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
John Haas
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund
Lowell Blankfort
Barack Obama, Peter Navarro
Anne Clay Kenan
Barack Obama, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter Education Fund