Biology Professor, Harvard University; Moderna billionaire
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Timothy Springer also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Harris Wofford Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas, Obama Victory Fund
Leocadia I Zak Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas, Obama Victory Fund
Merle Chambers Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas, Obama Victory Fund
James Swartz Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas, Obama Victory Fund
Sanford L Ziff Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas, Obama Victory Fund
Joan Ganz Cooney Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas, Obama Victory Fund
Thomas Safran Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas, Obama Victory Fund
Mary Rodgers Guettel Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas, Obama Victory Fund
Robert Asher Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas
Alec Baldwin Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Jim Zogby Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Billy Baldwin Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Donald Lateiner Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas
Wonya Lucas Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Harold Prince Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Kim Hawkins Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
David Fialkow Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Joyce Linde Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Robert Kissane Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Joseph A Power Jr Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund