Biology Professor, Harvard University; Moderna billionaire
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Timothy Springer also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
George Elvin Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Nancie Cooper Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Lisa R Engel Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Elizabeth Buntrock Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas
Fay Chandler Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas
Mary Cogan Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas
Beth Burnam Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Anne D Taft Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas
Anna May Timmons Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas
Richard Lipsitz, Sr. Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
William M Haney III Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
David Fialkow Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Mitchell Draizin Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Franklin Delano Roosevelt III Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
James S Cohen Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Chuck Close Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
James Halperin Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas
Martin Peretz Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Paul Tsongas
Keila D. Ravelo Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Monika Parekh Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Timothy Springer
Updated about 2 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Academic