Professor, Trinity College
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Lucy Ferriss also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Harold Varmus Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Ned Lamont
Ethan Geto Joe Courtney, Barack Obama, Ned Lamont
Gary Barnett Joe Courtney, Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Marvin F Weissberg Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Ned Lamont
Christopher Hayden Lutz Joe Courtney, Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Victoria Riskin Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Ned Lamont
George Soros Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Ned Lamont
Norman Kaplan Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Ned Lamont
Marsha Z Laufer Joe Courtney, Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Norman Lear Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Ned Lamont
Lisa Diane Collis Joe Courtney, Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
David E Quint Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Ned Lamont
Donald L Fowler Sr Joe Courtney, Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Clifford L Slayman Joe Courtney, Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Jenny L Crumiller Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Ned Lamont
Sol Weiss Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Ned Lamont
Robert C Pozen Joe Courtney, Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Daniel A Simon Joe Courtney, Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Alan F Horn Joe Courtney, Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Joanne Lyman Barack Obama, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Ned Lamont
Lucy Ferriss
Updated over 9 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Academic