Jounalist, held posts at Voice of America and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Kenneth Y Tomlinson also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Barry J Silverman Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Conrad Burns, George W Bush
Kenneth S Abramowitz Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Conrad Burns, George W Bush, Steve Forbes
Augusta Petrone Mel Martinez, John McCain, Conrad Burns, George W Bush, James Clifford Miller III, John W Warner
David Koch Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Dana Rohrabacher, George W Bush, James Clifford Miller III
Leon J Weil Jim DeMint, John McCain, George W Bush, Steve Forbes, James Clifford Miller III, Thomas W Pauken
Robert L Livingston Jim DeMint, John McCain, Dana Rohrabacher, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Conrad Burns, George W Bush
Richard Gilder Jim DeMint, John McCain, George W Bush, Steve Forbes, James Clifford Miller III, Thomas W Pauken
Edward C Levy Jr Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Conrad Burns, George W Bush
Robert Pence Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Conrad Burns, George W Bush
Janet Berman Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George W Bush, John W Warner
Ned Diefenthal Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Conrad Burns, George W Bush, Steve Forbes
Frank E Richardson Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Conrad Burns, George W Bush, Steve Forbes
Michelle Laxalt John McCain, Dana Rohrabacher, Conrad Burns, George W Bush, James Clifford Miller III, John W Warner
Larry J Hochberg Mel Martinez, John McCain, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Conrad Burns, George W Bush, John W Warner
Albert H Small Sr John McCain, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George W Bush, Steve Forbes, James Clifford Miller III, John W Warner
Lee Beaman Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Conrad Burns, George W Bush, Steve Forbes
Joseph B Gildenhorn Mel Martinez, John McCain, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Conrad Burns, George W Bush, John W Warner
Robert A Mosbacher Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, John McCain, George W Bush, Steve Forbes, James Clifford Miller III
M B Oglesby Jr Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Conrad Burns, George W Bush, John W Warner
Jane L Bainum Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Conrad Burns, George W Bush, James Clifford Miller III