US Senator from Florida
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Mel Martinez also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Larry J Hochberg Joe Biden, Ernest Frederick Hollings, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mitt Romney
George M Ross Joe Biden, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Mitt Romney
Manuel Stamatakis Joe Biden, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Republican Party of Florida, Mitt Romney
Jill Ann Fertitta Bob Dole, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Mitt Romney
Leonard A Lauder Joe Biden, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Gary L Wilson Bob Dole, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Mitt Romney
Thomas G Stemberg Bob Dole, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Mitt Romney
Thomas W Smith Bob Dole, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Mitt Romney
Mary Kalikow Joe Biden, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Republican Party of Florida, Mitt Romney
Douglas Krupp Joe Biden, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mitt Romney
Carlos A Saladrigas Bob Dole, George W Bush, Republican Party of Florida, Mitt Romney, Free Cuba PAC Inc
Cesar L Alvarez Joe Biden, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Mitt Romney
Marc Rowan Ernest Frederick Hollings, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mitt Romney
William Kramer Bob Dole, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Mitt Romney
Madeleine Arison Ernest Frederick Hollings, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida
Dr. Bharat Barai Joe Biden, Bob Dole, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Mitt Romney
Richard Ressler Joe Biden, Ernest Frederick Hollings, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mitt Romney
Stephen Schwarzman Bob Dole, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Mitt Romney
William C Rudin Joe Biden, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Bennett S Lebow Joe Biden, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Florida, Mitt Romney
Mel Martinez
Updated about 3 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Political Candidate, Elected Representative
Aliases Melquiades R Martinez, Mr Melquiades R. Martinez

External Links

Network Maps