Senior Vice President, National Security & International Policy, Center for American Progress
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Rudy deLeon
PersonCommon Orgs
Mark Gunzinger US Department of Defense, United States Air Force, National Security Council
James L Jones Boeing Company, General Dynamics Corporation, National Security Council
Franklin Miller US Department of Defense, National Security Council, Defense Policy Board
Jamie Gorelick US Department of Defense, Center for American Progress, Defense Policy Board
Stayce Harris Boeing Company, United States Air Force
Ryan Michael Tully House Armed Services Committee, National Security Council
Joseph S Nye Jr US Department of Defense, Defense Policy Board
John J Hamre US Department of Defense, Defense Policy Board
Deborah Lee James House Armed Services Committee, United States Air Force
Ronald Sanders US Department of Defense, United States Air Force
Douglas J. Feith US Department of Defense, National Security Council
John B Bellinger III US Department of Defense, National Security Council
General John P Jumper US Department of Defense, United States Air Force
Arthur L. Money US Department of Defense, United States Air Force
Kurt Campbell US Department of Defense, National Security Council
Denis McDonough National Security Council, Center for American Progress
Peter Ogden National Security Council, Center for American Progress
Gayle Smith National Security Council, Center for American Progress
Mark Pfeifle US Department of Defense, National Security Council
P J Crowley United States Air Force, Center for American Progress