Artistic director, Steppenwolf Theatre Company
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Martha Lavey also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Robert W Phillips Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Obama Victory Fund
Laura Ricketts Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Obama Victory Fund
Andrew Hauptman Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Obama Victory Fund
Roselyne Chroman Swig Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Obama Victory Fund
Martin A Harmon Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Obama Victory Fund
Robert L Berner Jr Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Thomas Geoghegan
Laurene Powell Jobs Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Obama Victory Fund
Quinn Delaney Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Obama Victory Fund
Cynthia Stone Raskin Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Thomas Geoghegan
Adam M Aron Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Obama Victory Fund
Max Palevsky Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Thomas Geoghegan
Ghulam M Suhrawardi Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Obama Victory Fund
Jesse H Ruiz Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Obama Victory Fund
Steven H Cohen Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Thomas Geoghegan
Sol Weiss Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Obama Victory Fund
Mazen Asbahi Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Thomas Geoghegan
Ellen Stone Belic Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Thomas Geoghegan
Perry J Browder Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Obama Victory Fund
Marshall Rose Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Obama Victory Fund
BettyLu Saltzman Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias, Thomas Geoghegan