Name |
Al Franken Former US Senator from Minnesota, Saturday Night Live contributor |
Al Gore Vice President of the United States 1993-2001 |
Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor of California |
Barack Obama 44th President of the United States |
Barbara Boxer Former US Senator and Representative from California |
Barney Frank former US Representative from Massachusetts |
Bill Clinton 42nd US president |
Bill Nelson Biden NASA head, former Democratic US Senator and Representative from Florida |
Bob Woodward Washington Post; author |
Cameron Kerry Boston attorney and general counsel for the US Commerce Department, brother of Senator John F. Kerry |
Charles R Stith Founder and director of Boston University’s African Presidential Archives and Research Center and former ambassador to Tanzania |
Charles Spittal Robb Democratic US Senator from Virginia; Governor of Virginia |
Chris Dodd President & CEO of MPAA; former Democratic US Senator from CT |
Chuck Schumer US Senator, former Representative from New York |
Dan Quayle Former Vice President of the United States |
David Gregory Host of "Meet the Press" |
Debbie Stabenow US Senator and Representative from Michigan (2001-present) |
Deval Patrick 71st Governor of Massachusetts |
Dianne Feinstein Former US Senator from California, San Francisco mayor |
Dick Durbin US Senator from Illinois (1997-present); former US Rep from Illinois |
Drew G Faust Historian, 28th president of Harvard University |
Ed Markey US Senator from Massachussets (2013-present); former US Rep from Massachusetts (1977-2013) |
Eric Holder Partner, Covington & Burling, former Obama U.S. Attorney General |
Gary F Locke Secretary of Commerce (Confirmed 3-25-09) |
Gary Gottlieb President of Brigham & Women’s hospital |
George W Bush 43rd US president, ex-governor of Texas, son of George H W Bush |
Graham Allison Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and Douglas Dillon Professor of Government at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government. |
Gwen Ifill |
Harold M Ickes Prominent Democratic Party operative |
Harry Reid Late US Senator and Representative from Nevada |
Heather Podesta Lawyer and Lobbyist |
Hilda Solis Obama Labor Secretary; former US Representative from California (Not from Bay Area) |
Hillary Clinton US Secretary of State & NY Senator; 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate |
Hubie Jones Dean emeritus of the Boston University School of Social Work. |
Jack M Wilson President of the University of Massachusetts. |
Jack Reed Democratic US Senator and Former Representative from Rhode Island |
James Aloisi Massachusetts secretary of transportation |
Jane Maria Swift Former Governor of Massachusetts |
Jay Rockefeller Former Democratic US Senator from West Virginia |
Jeanne Shaheen US Senator from New Hampshire (2009-present) |
Jeff Merkley US Senator from Oregon (2009-present) |
Jesse L Jackson Jr Former US Representative from Illinois |
Jimmy Carter 39th President of the United States |
Joan Kennedy |
Joe Biden 46th President of the United States; Vice President; US Senator from Delaware |
John C Culver Senior Partner, Arent, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin & Kahn; former U.S. Senator from Iowa |
John Edwards Former U.S. Senator from North Carolina |
John Henry Principal Owner - Boston Red Sox |
John Kerry 68th US Secretary of State, Senator from Massachusetts |
John McCain US Senator and Representative from Arizona |
John Podesta former chief of staff to Clinton and advisor to Obama; chairman of Clinton 2016 campaign |
John R Lewis US Representative from Georgia (1987-July 2020) b.1940 d.2020 |
John R Sasso |
John W. Warner III US Senator from Virginia |
John Walsh Massachusetts Democratic Party chairman |
Johnny Isakson Former Republican US Senator & Representative from Georgia |
Jon S Corzine Former CEO of MF Global and Goldman Sachs, Governor and US Senator - New Jersey |
Judd Alan Gregg CEO, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association | former US Senator and Governor from New Hampshire |
Kathleen Sebelius former Secretary of Health and Human Services, governor of Kansas |
Keith Motley Chancellor of the University of Massachusetts |
Ken Salazar Biden Ambassador to Mexico; former Interior Secretary, former Colorado U.S. senator |
Larry Lucchino Former President/CEO, Boston Red Sox MLB professional baseball franchise |
Laura Bush |
Leon Panetta former Secretary of Defense, CIA chief and US Rep from California |
Mark Pryor US Senator from Arkansas |
Mark Udall former US Senator and Representative from Colorado |
Mark Warner US Senator from Virginia (2009-present); former Governor of Virginia |
Martha Coakley Attorney General of Massachusetts |
Marty Meehan president, UMass; former Rep. from MA |
Max Baucus former US Senator and Representative from Montana |
Michael Bloomberg NYC's info-billionaire former mayor; Publisher of Bloomberg LP |
Michael Dukakis Former Governor of Massachusetts |
Mitch McConnell US Senator from Kentucky, husband of former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao |
Mitt Romney U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor |
Nancy Pelosi US Representative from California |
Olympia Snowe Former US Senator and Representative from Maine |
Orrin Hatch Late Former US Senator from Utah (1977-2019) |
Patrick Leahy US Senator from Vermont |
Paul Volcker Chairman of the President's Economic Recovery Board (Appointed 11-26-08) |
Peter Meade President and chief executive of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the US Senate |
Richard M Daley Former Mayor of Chicago |
Robert A DeLeo Massachusetts House speaker |
Robert Reich former Clinton labor secretary |
Roland Burris Chosen to replace Barack Obama's Senator seat by by impeached Illinois Governor |
Rosalynn Carter Wife of the former president |
Russ Feingold Former US Senator from Wisconsin |
Shaun Donovan Director, Office of Management and Budget | 15th Secretary for Housing and Urban Development |
Sheldon Whitehouse US Senator from Rhode Island (2007-present) |
Stephen Breyer Associate Justice of the Supreme Court |
Stephen F Lynch US Representative from Massachusetts |
Stephen G Pagliuca Managing Director, Bain Capital, LLC; former candidate for the U.S. Senate |
Steve Grossman Massachusetts Treasurer; former chair, DNC |
Steven Chu Former US Energy Secretary (2009-2013) |
Susan Collins US Senator from Maine |
Therese Murray Massachusetts Senate president |
Timothy P Cahill Massachusetts treasurer; independent candidate for governor in 2010 |
Tom Brokaw Journalist and former anchor and managing editor of "NBC Nightly News" |
Tom Daschle Lobbyist. Former US Representative & Senator from South Dakota |
Tom Harkin former US Senator and Representative from Iowa |
Tom Menino Mayor of Boston |