Tag: anti-choice
People and organizations that oppose reproductive freedom
    Derek A. McCoy
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Board Member, Heartbeat International
    John Murphy
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Board Member, Heartbeat International
    Zeke Swift
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Board Member, Heartbeat International
    Gary Thome
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Board Member, Heartbeat International
    John Wootton
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Board Member, Heartbeat International
    Sherry Wright
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Board Member, Heartbeat International
    Obianuju Ekeocha
    1 anti-choice relationships
    International pro-life speaker and activist
    Sophia Kuby
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Catholic anti-choice advocate
    Kimberly Van Shaar Ells
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Policy advisor for Family Watch International
    Leonardo García Camarena
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Marcial Padilla
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Director de ConParticipación
    Rocío Monasterio
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Diputada y presidenta de Vox en Madrid
    Joe Pojman
    1 anti-choice relationships
    ED of Texas Alliance for Life
    Ingrid M. Delgado
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Associate Director at Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops
    Matthew Cooksey
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Public Policy Analyst/Lobbyist, Texas Alliance for Life
    Richard Sempala
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Richard Sempala is a Ugandan anti-abortion activist and in 2004 founded and is the exec...
    Valerie Huber
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Anti-abortion advocate, former Trump administration official, founder of the Geneva Con...
    Guillaume de Thieulloy
    1 anti-choice relationships
    French political scientist and far right activist.
    Dr. Dermot Kearney
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Dr. Kearney is a consultant cardiologist (UK). He has prescribed to patients the danger...
    Dr. Abel Pascual Albino
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Founder, Conin Foundation