Tag: anti-choice
People and organizations that oppose reproductive freedom
    Clint Cline
    2 anti-choice relationships
    President at Design4 Messaging and Media
    Kevin I. Bagatta
    2 anti-choice relationships
    President & CEO at Real Alternatives
    Allan C Carlson
    2 anti-choice relationships
    Author, historian, former president of The Howard Center for Family, Religion and Socie...
    Paul Sullins
    2 anti-choice relationships
    Anti-LGBT priest; professor of sociology at Catholic University
    James Dobson
    2 anti-choice relationships
    Chairman of Focus on the Family & Evangelical radio personality
    Alana Stewart Newman
    2 anti-choice relationships
    conservative writer
    Davida Stike
    2 anti-choice relationships
    President, Texas Alliance for Life
    Theresa Okafor
    2 anti-choice relationships
    Pro-life and pro-family advocate and director of the Foundation for African Cultural He...
    Michael Farris
    2 anti-choice relationships
    Chancellor Emeritus and Professor of Government, Patrick Henry College
    Jim Graham
    2 anti-choice relationships
    President and Chairman of the Board of Palo Petroleum, Inc.
    Rob Siedlecki
    2 anti-choice relationships
    Board Member of Florida Pregnancy Care Network
    Jeff White
    2 anti-choice relationships
    Founder of Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust
    Alejandro Bermúdez
    2 anti-choice relationships
    Board member, Heartbeat International
    Jor-El Godsey
    2 anti-choice relationships
    President of Heartbeat International
    Doug Grane
    2 anti-choice relationships
    Board Member, Heartbeat International
    Deirdre Cooper
    2 anti-choice relationships
    Public Policy Analyst, Texas Alliance for Life
    Nikolas T Nikas
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Co-founder, Bioethics Defense Fund
    Danielle White
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Legal Counsel at Heartbeat International
    Andrea Grossman
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Staci Wilks
    1 anti-choice relationships
    Dan Wilks' wife