Nicholas C PrtizkerCEO, Aperture Brands, son of billionaire Anthony “Tony” Pritzker and his wife Jeanne Nicholas C. “Nick” Pritzker is a marijuana entrepreneur, member of ...
Jason PritzkerSon of Tom Pritzker, grandson of Jay Pritzker; heir to Hyatt Hotel fortune Co-founder of Yapmo, a software-as-service company now known as Kon...
Roland PritzkerChairman of Pritzker Innovation Fund; 4th generation heir to Hyatt hotel fortune Roland Pritzker is Chairman of the Pritzker Innovation Fund. A man ...
Lisa and John Pritzker Family FundHealth, Education, Youth and Social Services in Bay Area
Purpose and Activities
Giving primarily for education, health...
Karen PritzkerWife of Daniel Pritzker, Kentfield California