David Schulte and Barack Obama do business

Landlord David Schulte
Tenant Barack Obama
Start Date 2013-08-00
End Date 2013-08-00
Is Current no
Notes A Martha’s Vineyard home rented by President Barack Obama and his family in the summer of 2013 is on the market for $22.5 million, said listing agent Tom Wallace of Wallace & Co. Sotheby’s International Realty. The home is owned by Obama supporters David and Patricia Schulte, who live primarily in Chicago. Mr. Schulte is the founder of the merchant banking firm Chilmark Partners. They completed construction on the house about 10 years ago, according to Mr. Wallace, who said the Schultes are selling because several of their children now live on the West Coast and they don’t use the property as much as in the past.
Updated about 7 years ago