Jeb Bush is/was an owner of Britton Hill Partners LLC

Notes In 2008, Bush co-founded Britton Hill Partners LLC and registered the company in the state of Delaware. The company website consists of its name and an “info@” email address. It registered its offices to Florida in 2012. Several related entities have been registered in Florida since: Britton Hill Holdings, LLC; Britton Hill Holdings GP, LLC; Britton Hill Holdings I, LP; Britton Hill Holdings I GP, LP; Britton Hill Partners HK, LLC; BH Logistics, LP; BH Logisitcs GP, LP; BH Aviation Holdings, LP; BH Aviation Holdings GP, LLC, and BH Aviation Holdings GP, LP. According to the Securities Exchange Commission’s records, three of those entities (Britton Hill Holdings I, LP, BH Logistics LP, and BH Aviation Holdings, LP) reported that they had sold securities for their funds, but all that is really known about them is that they have invested in a company that makes gas carrier ships and one involved with fracking. via ThinkProgress
Updated about 10 years ago