Partner American Federation of Teachers
Partner Clever
Start Date 2014-10-00
Goods software integration agreement
Notes "In a move that could help expand access to free online instructional materials for thousands of U.S schools—and may signal a shift in the sometimes-rocky relationship between the education-technology industry and classroom educators—rising startup company Clever has joined forces with the 1.6-million member American Federation of Teachers. The partnership is one of several new "integrations" with creators of free educational apps and Open Education Resources, or OER, announced by San Francisco-based Clever in recent weeks. Teachers at the 27,000 schools currently using the company's services will now be able to freely access, with a single login and password, everything from high-powered web-based graphing calculators to high-tech physics simulations to the thousands of free, teacher-generated instructional materials that have been curated online at Share My Lesson, the AFT's free online lesson-sharing site."
Updated over 10 years ago