Start Date 2004-00-00
Notes Skip to main content MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab Accessibility Internal Login Research People News Events Admissions Engage About About Daniela Rus Director's Message Mission & History Leadership Awards Opportunities Stata Center Spin-offs Publications Visit CSAIL Mission & History CSAIL Vision A world where computing empowers people and enhances all human experiences. Our Mission MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory pioneers new research in computing that improves the way people work, play, and learn. We focus on developing fundamental new technologies, conducting basic research that furthers the field of computing, and inspiring and educating future generations of scientists and technologists. With more than 60 research groups working on hundreds of diverse projects, researchers focus on discovering novel ways to make systems and machines smarter, easier to use, more secure, and more efficient. Already a major part of everyday life, computing will become more and more integrated into human experience over the next 50 years. CSAIL will be a driver of this change, attracting brilliant, original thinkers who will dream up technological advances that truly improve our collective existence. How CSAIL Impacts Change MIT CSAIL is a driving force behind computing becoming increasingly integrated into our lives, attracting original thinkers who imagine and build computing technologies that better our world. 900+ researchers, including professors, research scientists, postdocs, PhDs, master's students and undergrads $65 million annual research budget CSAIL Values Fearlessness + Enthusiasm We are not afraid to imagine the impossible. Passion drives us to find the right solutions to tough challenges. Creativity + Intelligence We are not tethered to dogma or convention. We celebrate original solutions that are not just practical, but also inspired, bold, surprising, and elegant. Diversity + Collaboration CSAIL is the largest lab at MIT, enabling collaboration among students, faculty, and staff with a multitude of interests, opinions, and backgrounds. We emphasize service, collegiality, mentorship, and self-improvement. Our students, faculty, and staff work together to achieve excellence in all aspects of our research, education, and enterprise services. Confidence + Openness We are proud of what we have accomplished. At the same time, we understand that progress is impossible without an open mind: the willingness to ask questions and seek help, the desire to listen, and the confidence to celebrate the successes of others. Optimism We are excited about what the future holds, whether in 5 years or 50 years. We know that our faculty and students will continue to push the boundary of what’s possible, developing innovations that both improve the way we live and inspire future generations of scientists and technologists. Mutual Respect + Empathy + Inclusion We strive to have CSAIL be a welcoming place where all the members feel supported, safe, and valued. Integrity + Fairness + Transparency + Accountability We act with honesty and fairness in all aspects of our work. We take responsibility for our decisions, are open to feedback, and maintain truthful communications. Our History CSAIL has its roots in two MIT computing powerhouses: The Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) and the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (AI Lab). LCS LCS was founded in 1963 as Project MAC (Multiple Access Computing or Machine-Aided Cognition), a project sponsored by the Department of Defense to develop a computer system accessible to a large number of people. Among the projects that came out of Project MAC and LCS were time-sharing systems like the Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS) and Multics, which both allowed many users to share the resources of a single large computer. These systems inspired the development of Unix and laid the foundation for many of today's basic design concepts for software and operating systems. The AI Lab The AI Lab was founded as the AI project in 1959. The Lab pioneered new methods for image-guided surgery and natural-language-based Web access, produced new generations of micro displays, made haptic interfaces a reality, and developed bacterial robots and behavior-based robots that are used for planetary exploration, military reconnaissance and in consumer devices. As collaboration across the two labs increased, and with the construction of a major new building designed to house the information sciences at MIT, the two labs merged in 2003, to form the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. In 2014 CSAIL celebrated the 50th anniversary of Project MAC and the 10th anniversary of CSAIL’s formation. 1963 CSAIL was founded in 1963 as Project MAC 10 CSAIL researchers have won the Turing Award, often described as "the Nobel Prize for computing" Research People News Events Admissions Engage About Accessibility Internal Login Contact Press Requests Massachusetts Institute of Technology Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 32 Vassar St, Cambridge MA 02139
Updated 4 months ago

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