US Army Corps of Engineers and Kilohana Temporary Housing have a generic relationship

Site preparer US Army Corps of Engineers
Project Kilohana Temporary Housing
Start Date 2024-00-00
Is Current yes
Notes Preliminary surveys were conducted by USACE archeologists, and nothing of cultural or historical significance was found at Kilohana. Contractors will have an archeologist on site for all ground-disturbing activities in the event something is uncovered. To prepare the site for the housing units, the Corps of Engineers and its contractors will need to grade and blast the land to level the housing pad sites and install utilities to include power, water and sewer. It will take approximately six months to complete this work due to the size of the project and the site being on top of hard rock. Once constuction is complete, the Corps of Engineers will turn the site over to FEMA for the installation of the housing units. As sites become available, FEMA may initiate installation of housing units before the entire site is complete.
Updated 6 months ago

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