John Kunkel has a position (Senior Economic Advisor) at United States Studies Centre

Title Senior Economic Advisor
Start Date 2022-12-00
Is Current yes
Employee yes
Notes USSC CEO Dr Michael Green noted that the dual appointment indicates the significance of this new research area for the Centre and the Australia-US alliance. The United States Studies Centre (USSC) is pleased to announce the appointment of two widely recognised policy scholars to lead new initiatives on economic affairs. Hayley Channer, formerly with the Office of the Defence Minister and most recently Senior Policy Fellow with the Perth USAsia Centre, will join the Centre as Director for Economic Security with a focus on the intersection of geopolitics and business. Dr John Kunkel, a trade economist and most recently Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, will join the Centre as Senior Economic Advisor with a focus on trade and investment issues.
Updated 2 months ago

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