Title Chair
Start Date 2019-04-06
Board member yes
Executive yes
Notes 6 APRIL 2019 Minister for Defence Industry, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, announced the appointment of Dr Michele Allan as the new Chair of the Defence Cooperative Research Centre for Trusted Autonomous Systems. “Dr Allan is a highly regarded academic with an impressive business background and will provide strong leadership for the Defence CRC,” Minister Reynolds said. The Defence CRC for Trusted Autonomous Systems was announced by the Australian Government in 2017 under the Next Generation Technologies Fund to deliver game-changing unmanned platforms that ensure reliable and effective cooperation between people and machines during dynamic military operations. The Defence CRC receives an annual funding of $8 million with a maximum of $50 million to be invested over a seven year period. “Dr Allan will continue the successful work carried out by Mr Jim McDowell in establishing the Defence CRC with BAE Systems, RMIT, DefendTex and Defence Science and Technology as foundation members,” Minister Reynolds said. “Dr Allan has held senior executive and director positions in the food and education sectors, and she will also bring her experience in management and law to the effective operation of the Defence CRC.” Minister Reynolds said Dr Allan will work with industry and academia on transitioning the results of the Defence CRC into capability outcomes. “I congratulate Dr Allan on her appointment and look forward to the Defence CRC delivering on its mission under her leadership.” https://www.minister.defence.gov.au/media-releases/2019-04-06/new-chair-defence-crc-trusted-autonomous-systems
Updated 26 days ago

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