Forcepoint LLC is/was an owner of Deep Secure Limited

Title Aquisition
Start Date 2021-06-15
Notes,acquire%20U.K.%2Dbased%20Deep%20Secure. Rachael Lyon June 15, 2021, 6:43 am CDT AUSTIN, Texas – June 15, 2021 - Forcepoint, a global leader in data-first cybersecurity solutions that protect critical information and networks for thousands of customers throughout the world, today announced the company has signed a definitive agreement to acquire U.K.-based Deep Secure. Deep Secure’s cybersecurity products and services protect organizations from cyberattacks delivered via malware and help prevent unwanted data loss. Underlying the planned acquisition of Deep Secure are expansion opportunities that will enable Forcepoint to extend the capabilities of its industry-leading Cross Domain Solutions portfolio to deliver enhanced efficacy for securing the critical data and missions of governments in the U.S. and beyond. Cross domain solutions enable secure sharing and access to critical mission and operational data between security levels across the government and critical infrastructure, providing enhanced security and functionality for high-consequence missions around the world.
Updated over 3 years ago

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