Notes |
If funding is provided to allow Third Sector to provide technical assistance to government partners in five states for a feasibility
study, then Pay for Performance funds can help benefits programs understand the effects of different program design choices.
Submitted by: The Third Sector.
If a office for data management were created, it could serve as a single front door for federal data and improve data access for all.
Submitted by: Third Sector Capital Partners, Inc.
When the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and partners launched a Pay for Success initiative, data helped agencies create more
sustained change in the lives of those they serve. Submitted by: Third Sector Capital Partners, Inc.
If the government provides assistance in navigating data access barriers, WIOA Pay for Performance contractors could be more
impactful in affecting positive change in key outcome metrics like justice involvement. Submitted by: Third Sector Capital
Partners, Inc.
When researchers analyzed data related to economic security of veterans with service-connected disabilities, they found that
public, non-sensitive data can inform better decision making despite obstacles. Submitted by: Third Sector Capital Partners, Inc.