Federal Data Strategy and The MITRE Corporation have/had a generic relationship

Use case submitted Federal Data Strategy
Use case submitted The MITRE Corporation
Notes When the U.S. Census Bureau collects business data from various sectors and governments, then companies are able to compare their operations to industry norms, find new markets, and inform key decisions. If the Brazilian government creates five-year projections of specific regions and skill sets to select the best provider of a training curriculum, then they will be better able to meet emerging manpower needs. When the Department of Commerce’s Economic and Statistics Administration publishes economic indicators daily, then retailers are able to use neighborhood-level demographics to maintain their inventory across the country. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. When the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) provides business data, then investment firms are able to use more accurate and usable analysis. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. When NOAA shares weather data, it helps lower economic and human costs of weather-related damage and helps power a multibillion dollar industry. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. The Veterans Affairs Center for Innovation (VACI), the Dean Center for Tick Borne Illness at Spaulding Rehabilitation Network/ Harvard Medical School Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, MIT Hacking Medicine, and the Open Medicine Institute are collaborating and sharing data to help solve challenges in the prevention and treatment of Lyme disease. The Patent and Trademark Office’s open data platform is showcasing unique ways data can be combined with other data sets, such as economic and geographic data. A collaboration between NIH, the UK-based Welcome Trust, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and The Open Science Prize inspired prototypes of tools, products, and services using open digital content to solve public health and biomedical challenges. By sharing weather data, NOAA helps lower the economic and human costs of weather-related damage. It has also inspired the creation of a multi-billion dollar financial industry dependent on seasonal data and a multi-million dollar industry of tools and apps derived from NOAA’s real-time data. Submitted by: MITRE Corporation. If the Federal Chief Information Officer Council and National Council of Information Sharing and Analysis Center were held up as ideal models, information exchanges across federal agencies would improve. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. If HUD's Homeless Management Information System is used as a model of government data quality practices, it would help other organizations focus on, and strengthen, federal data quality. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. If the secure data-sharing concept underpinning ASIAS, a trusted public-private platform developed by MITRE to collect and analyze airline and FAA safety data, were extended to other domains, it would enable sharing important, actionable data while protecting it. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation If a platform, such as the Sunlight Foundation's Open Law Library, were created on top of machine-readable policies and legislation, it would be easier to share and access legal data and improve decision making. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. When USPTO created its open data portal, Developer Hub, and API, it improved access to and use of public patent and trademark data as well as facilitated linkage of these data with other data. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. When NIH, the UK-based Welcome Trust, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and The Open Science Prize formed a collaboration, it successfully stimulated creation of new tools and services to help solve pressing public problems. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. When the DOC's Economic & Statistics Administration publishes economic indicators, businesses access and use them to make important decisions. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. If the National Association for State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) and similar organizations were leveraged to share enterprise data governance practices, it would help make data sharing and oversight between federal and state governments easier. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. When the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security developed the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM), they were able to create a common framework and vocabulary for information exchanges among differing missions and business domains. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. When the Pew Charitable Trusts published its 2018 report on "How States Use Data to Inform Decisions," they revealed ideas and use cases that could be applicable to the federal domain. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. If the government considered itself to be an information broker, allowing citizens and organizations to update their information, it could improve data quality. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. If the government investigates public-private opportunities, it might uncover data that could assist in development of healthcare enhancements. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. If the government studies the Department of Commerce's Low Earth Orbit Situational Awareness and Space Traffic Control system, it could realize data management and commercialization lessons applicable elsewhere. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation. If the Federal Data Strategy team worked closer with the Improper Payments CAP Goal, both teams would be mutually benefited. Submitted by: The MITRE Corporation.
Updated over 3 years ago