Erin Perrine and John Thune do business

Deputy press secretary Erin Perrine
Is Current no
Notes The path from the New York State Assembly’s Republican conference member services to the office of the House Majority Leader zigzagged but never wavered. Over the next few years Perrine worked for now Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s (R-Wisc.) campaign for office in Wisconsin, for a voter contact firm in Washington, D.C., as a deputy press secretary for Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), and as the press secretary of the Republican Senate conference. She says she never said ‘no’ to a job just because she wasn’t sure what she wanted, or because she’d have to move. Every job was an opportunity to become a better writer, to be a better communicator, to work more effectively with the press. Surprisingly perhaps, she says that working with the press has become her favorite thing. “The Capitol Hill press corps is full of the most passionate, funny, smart people I’ve ever met. It’s great that every day I get to go up there and talk with them.” Perrine says that she and the Capitol Hill press talk about life as well as politics, and they’ve become close.
Updated over 3 years ago