Josh Weerasinghe had a position (vice president of global market development ) at BAE Systems, Inc.

Title vice president of global market development
Start Date 2012-00-00
End Date 2016-00-00
Is Current no
Executive yes
Notes The situation is not any better in the United States. Josh Weerasinghe, who was vice president of global market development at BAE Systems from 2012 to 2016, worked with Michael Flynn in his former position at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and Flynn also has played an advisory role with Cambridge Analytica since 2016. What’s more, SCL holds a $500,000 contract with the U.S. State Department. SCL Group, Cambridge Analytica’s parent company, is a military contractor that has had access to secret information within the U.K.’s Ministry of Defense and the U.S. State Department while mining private citizens’ data. The conflicts of interest are as horrifying as the threats to democracy painfully evident. It’s a no-brainer. This has to stop now.
Updated over 3 years ago

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